Normes de certification
Fournir des produits sûrs et purs pour vous et votre famille est une lourde responsabilité, et nous la prenons très au sérieux. Des docteurs en naturopathie et nutritionnistes aux scientifiques et aux spécialistes du contrôle de la qualité, nous investissons massivement dans l’embauche d’esprits scientifiques brillants qui ont une passion pour la santé naturelle. Lorsque vous prenez un produit Natural Factors, vous pouvez être assuré qu’il a reçu un sceau d’approbation de cette équipe d’experts.
Dr. Gaetano Morello
is a naturopathic physician and clinician at the Complex Chronic Disease Program at B.C. Women’s Hospital. He is the first Naturopath to hold such a position at a major North American hospital.
Jennifer Brix, ND
is a naturopathic doctor, health educator, and public speaker with a passion for empowering her patients to achieve optimal health. She appears regularly as a guest on television and radio shows.
Kate Rhéaume, ND (Inactive)
is a naturopathic doctor, popular media guest, and best-selling author, of the book Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life.
Dr. Michael Lyon
is a researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fiber, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine.
Stephanie Rubino, ND
is a licensed naturopathic doctor, mom, and trusted health educator who strives to guide her patients and other health enthusiasts to achieve their optimal health.
Dr. Reichert
is an adjunct professor at the Boucher Institute for Naturopathic Medicine, and the Director for Scientific Affairs at the Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine.
Dr. Julie Reil
is the Medical Director at Shiloh Medical Clinic. She practiced Primary Care Medicine including Obstetrics, Gynecology, Clinical Medicine and Hospital Medicine from 2000-2008.
Jan Slama
is a gifted research scientist with degrees in biochemistry and microbiology. R&D Lab Manager at Factors Labs, Jan conducts phytomedical, nutraceutical, botanical, and nutritional research.